艦これアーケード 嵐改中破雷 6周年フレーム メルカリ
艦これ 嵐&萩風 抱き枕カバー オダワラハコネ vista 正規品 c90 開封済未使用品の購入・売買の前に価格相場を調べてみませんか?オークファンなら新品から中古まであらゆる商品の価格を徹底比較できます!Appearance She has yellow eyes and mediumlength messy red hair with an ahoge Arashi clothing similar to other Kagerouclass destroyers, including a white blouse with a black vest, and a red neckerchief She also wears a black pleated skirt, white gloves, black thighhighs, and loafers Her combat gear includes a twincannon turret held like a